Effy AI, a free Google Forms alternative for reviews

Sign up free
Get rid of painful manual work
AI-powered reports
Automated reminders
Review status monitoring
Advanced Anonymization
Ready to use templates library

Why to choose Effy AI

Ease of use
Ease of admin
Meets requirements
Ease of setup

Clients Success Stories

James Henry
Director of Engineering at Nx
30+ employees | United States
“Effy AI offers a fantastic experience for our employees during review cycles”
Rob Burke
Director of Operations at Traffic Builders Digital Marketin
30+ employees | United States
“We really liked the Effy AI just focused on internal reviews and a price point that was easy for us”
Betty Lo
People and Culture Manager at Slasify
50 Employees | Singapore
“That was great and convenient that we can setup different types of reviews to send to everyone...”
Tang Rea
Senior People Partner at Shapefarm
50 employees | Japan
“I used the existing template in Effy AI, which was great. It was very comprehensive”
James Henry
Director of Engineering at Nx
30+ employees | United States
“Effy AI offers a fantastic experience for our employees during review cycles”
Rob Burke
Director of Operations at Traffic Builders Digital Marketin
30+ employees | United States
“We really liked the Effy AI just focused on internal reviews and a price point that was easy for us”
Betty Lo
People and Culture Manager at Slasify
50 Employees | Singapore
“That was great and convenient that we can setup different types of reviews to send to everyone...”
Tang Rea
Senior People Partner at Shapefarm
50 employees | Japan
“I used the existing template in Effy AI, which was great. It was very comprehensive”
Get started in no time
Kick-start your review process with ease. Take advantage of diverse library of ready-to-use templates, suited for various review scenarios, saving you time and effort in designing from scratch.
Hear from everyone that matters
Gather feedback from multiple sources. Effy AI lets you easily collect feedback from peers, managers, and subordinates, ensuring a well-rounded review.
Keep reviews on track, effortlessly
With Effy AI, you'll always be informed and in control. Get automatic reminders for every review and easily monitor their progress for efficient, transparent completion
Insights that drive growth
Effy AI's reports are not just data summaries; they're insights. Powered by AI, these reports delve into performance metrics, offering clear, actionable insights that help in making informed decisions
Anonymization & Access Control
Stay in control of your data. Effy AI offers customizable permissions, ensuring that sensitive review information is accessible only to those you authorize
Blend reviews into your daily communication tools
Slack Integration: Allows conducting assessments and gathering feedback within a familiar communication platform

Switching to Effy AI

Making the switch to Effy AI is a breeze. We'll integrate your existing questionnaires into Effy AI absolutely free of charge.
Switch to Effy AI